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Concept have supplied several buildings over the past couple of years to a National Car Auction House. This time the client required Welfare Accommodation, but they presented us with a very tricky site situation at Colchester where the buildings were to be located. Their premises had no access for vehicles and restricted head room, so our only option was to roll each of the six individual 20' x 8' (6m x 2.4m) modules into position using 'skates'. Delivery day was also auction day, meaning we only had a two-hour window starting at 6 am to get the job completed. We did so with minutes to spare - just before the hammer fell!
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Portable Offices, Modular Buildings, Portakabin Buildings, Portable Buildings, Anti-Vandal Units, Plastisol Finish Units, Welfare Cabins, Canteen Units, Portable Changing Rooms,Shower & Toilet Units, Classroom & Nursery Buildings, Custom Built Units, Jackleg Cabins, Steel Secure Stores, Steel Containers, Site Office Cabins, Relocatable Portable Cabins
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Concept Cabins, Concept Accommodation Ltd. All rights reserved. Design - www.petroldesign.co.uk.